Thursday, 2 August 2018

Muriata on behalf of the Girramay People #2

Muriata on behalf of the Girramay People #2 v State of Queensland [2018] FCA 1120 is available here .

The native title holders are the Girramay People. The Girramay People are the descendants of one or more of the following people:
(a)    Charles Williams;
(b)    Bella Williams (Yurbil);
(c)    Rosie Williams (Djarrmay) (aka Rosie Runaway);
(d)    Clara Williams (aka Clara Boogal);
(e)    Clarke Kennedy (Blencoe);
(f)    Jimmy Beeron (Yalbiri);
(g)    Jimmy Bugal (Nganygarru);
(h)    Jimmy Henry (Manidjunayi);
(i)    Jimmy Wallaby (“Billycan”) and his wife Maggie (Ridjar);
(j)    Walter Cardwell (aka Simpson) (aka Blackman) (Djubarriny);
(k)    Tommy Dickman (Dubulmanu) (aka Tommy Digman);
(l)    Louisa Balli, the wife of Tommy Dickman (Dubulamanu) aka Tommy Digman;
(m)    One Arm Jack (Manguburur);
(n)    Cissy (Ganabulan);
(o)    Claire (mother of Lily Murray nee Wade);
(p)    Billy and his wife Jenny (including Charlie Clark Kennedy);
(q)    Polly Wyle(s);
(r)    Tommy Djingadjinga (Budalayiny);
(s)    Charlie Nolan (lbirri);
(t)    Charlie Nolan’s mothers sister Ngawu (Marnie);
(u)    Jimmy Jacobs (Rindin);
(v)    Toby McAvoy;
(w)    Johnny Dallachy;
(x)    Billy Murray (Walguy aka Walguyi) and Nellie Murray (Mudjunin);
(y)    Frank McLean (aka Frank Barry) (Gandigurrungu) and his wife Nellie; or
(z)    Mailman.

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