Monday, 24 June 2019

SLQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family History

The State Library of Queensland has a genealogy aid titled "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family History" available here.

This contains some items worth mentioning.

1. Cherbourg Tindale Sheet 30 - This page appears complete and the information on it is mostly legible. Mainly Embrey and Cobbo families.

2. A Card for Jack Craigie with some family details. Again mostly legible.

3. Details of the family of Lena French and Bruce Walker from Cherbourg Tindale Sheet 13.

Further information on Cherbourg Tindale Sheet 13.

Correspondence from Maryborough District, Goomeri Station dated 16. 9.1941
Exempt Aboriginals residing in the Goomeri Police division, who are eligible for endowment include :-

Bruce Walker and his wife Lena Walker with three children under 16 years of age residing at Kinbombi. Walker holds Certificate of Exemption No.76 dated 23/11/39.
On even date I assisted Mrs Walker to complete and application for Child Endowment and she will be forwarding same to the Deputy Commissioner for Child Endowment, Brisbane in the course of a few days. Walker has been employed at timber work in this division at Daddamarine Creek via Goomeri during the past six months. Until a month ago he was employed by George Dowse of Daddamarine Creek, and since then he has been unemployed, but he now intends prospecting for gold near Kinbombi. I am of the opinion this family can be safely depended upon to utilise the endowment for the benefit of the children.

Marriage of Bruce Walker and Lena French

Married at Barambah on 7.10.1922 (Registered 1922/C/3299)

List of aborigines photographed by Dr. Tindale, during his visit to Cherbourg. Ages are at December 1938. Photographs are available from the South Australian Museum. See also Cherbourg Family History Society.
Walker, Bruce, 48 years
Walker, Lena (Mrs), 42 years
Walker, Edna, 7 years
Walker, Enid, 9 years
Walker, Gabriel, 11 years
Walker, Joyce, 13 years
Walker, Delphine, 14 years

Cherbourg 1928 Census

Name,  Caste,  Age,  Status

Walker, Bruce , 1/2W,  27 years,  Married
Walker, Lena, 1/2W, 33 years,  Married
Walker, Gabriel, 1/2W,  11/12 years
Walker, Delphine, 1/2W,  4 years
Walker, Joyce, 1/2W,  3 years

1/2W Half-caste (Aboriginal / White)

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