Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Foster on behalf of the Gunggari People #4 v State of Queensland

Foster on behalf of the Gunggari People #4 v State of Queensland [2019] FCA 1402 here

The Native Title Holders are the Gunggari People. The Gunggari People are the biological descendants of one or more of the following people:
(a)    Jinnegah aka Mary and Albert Murray;
(b)    Lizzie Woodford/Gyemore/South;
(c)    Harry Collins and Dinah Smith;
(d)    Old Frog;
(e)    Effie Armstrong, the granddaughter of Coombra Jack;
(f)    Kitty of St George aka Mary Bolon, the mother of George Hazzard Jnr aka Henry James Hazzard;
(g)    Maggie of the Moonie, the mother of Sarah Brennan and Isabella Kerr;
(h)    King Billy Dick;
(i)    Maria of Tongy Station;
(j)    Harry Rookwood;
(k)    Lucy of the Balonne River;
(l)    Charlotte Moffatt;
(m)    Parents of Mary of the Maranoa and Lizzie;
(n)    Nellie Walker;
(o)    Clifton George;
(p)    Mary of Bollon; or
(q)    Kate Meathers/Meadows.

Some Notes

Sarah Brennan married Henry James (known as George) Hazzard on 11/01/1922 (Qld Reg 1922/C/210). George's father or brother is Albert Hazzard. George is 44 years and Sarah is 36 years and born at St George.

Albert Hazzard died 19/07/1923 (Qld Reg 1923/C/2605) parents George Hazzard and Kitty Phlick.
His wife is Isabella Hazzard (parents are Tom Kerr and Maggie) and they were married in Roma on 25. 4.1898 (Qld Reg 1898/C/1435). They had 6 children, one son is George Alfred Hazzard.

Norman Tindale Sheet Woorabinda 18 lists the following people
HAZARD, Brenda 
HAZARD, George 
HAZARD, Sarah 
MUNNS, Cinderella
SAUNDERS, Charlotte
SAUNDERS, Cinderella
THOMPSON, Cinderella

Woorabinda Sheet 38 dated 19.11.1938
Blucher (wild man before Mitchell town was formed) F/B Koamii tribe
and Mary of Bollon (wild woman before whites came to Mitchell) F/B
of the Koamii tribe had a child Minnie South.

Coombra Jack born c1879 Coombra Stn or Goodgoga N.S.W., parents Coombra Jack and Mary, wife Fanny Roberts, children Stella, Leslie, Reggie, Effie, Oscar, Sadie, Mary

Natives removed from Mitchell to Barambah in 1930 as follows - Jack Coombra and wife Mary and children Leslie (22), Reggie (20), Austin (18), Effie (16), Sadie (12), Mary (10)

Stella Daisy born c1900 at Bollon, parents Jack Coombra and Fanny, husband George Daisy
Fanny Coombra died 15. 4.1939 at  Woorabinda aged 50 years
Coombra Jack died 20. 7.1944 at Woorabinda, widower

The Evangel notes
Death Notice, Coombra, Fanny - 1939, Australian Evangel 9(7) 1939 : 7
Death Notice, Coombra, Jack - 20.7.1944, Australian Evangel 14(9) 1944 : 7
Death Notice, Coombra, Oscar - 5.8.1939, Australian Evangel 9(10) 1939 : 8
Died at Baralaba Hospital, Coombra, Reg - 3.6.1939, Australian Evangel 9(8) 1939 : 8

Walter South married Lizzie Gyemore, widow,on 15. 3.1950 at Cherbourg. Lizzie Gyemore was born c1899 at Alpha, mother Annie Flourbag (deceased).
Removal from Mitchell to Cherbourg in 1936
Lizzie Gyemore
Dorothy Gyemore, daughter
Eric Gyemore, son
Herbert Gyemore, son
Percy Gyemore, son
Ronald Gyemore, son
All removed for own care and protection.

Exemptions 1950
Walter South yrs, Lizzie South 51 yrs, Percy Gyemore, 21 yrs, Bertie Gyemore 22 yrs, Ronnie Gyemore 17 yrs

Lizzie Woodford married Arthur Athorne on 6. 6.1921 (Qld Reg 1921/C/1048)

Alfred McCarthy was born in 1900 at Mitchell, parents Alfred McCarthy and Katie Meadows

1939 Application for Exemption for Harry Collins, aged 35 yrs, born Tilbooroo Stn Eulo, father F. Collins, mother Dundoo Rosie

Harry Collins and Ethel Maud Murphy were married on 22.10.1939 (Qld Reg 1939/C/4234).

William Rookwood born c1890 Roma, parents Harry and Julia Rookwood, married Pearlie Darby on 7. 5.1933 (Qld Reg 1933/C/1728)

Roly Armstrong aged 61 yrs of Blackwater granted an exemption in  1960
Effie Armstrong 46 yrs, Roderick James Armstrong 18 yrs, Donella Fay Armstrong 4 yrs and Mary Armstrong 17 yrs, all of Bluff granted an exemption in 1960

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